Like a doctor’s check-up, a consultation is an opportunity for you to have your trees checked by a professional. A tree consultant will walk around your property to evaluate your green space and its overall health.
A limited visual inspection focuses on defects or conditions suggesting High or Extreme risk. For example, holes in bark are not normal and can be signs of insect infestations that can weaken a tree over time. Click here at to learn more.

Identifying Tree Problems
As trees grow and age, they become increasingly vulnerable to a wide variety of problems. From insect infestations to fungal infections and everything in between, identifying and diagnosing tree health issues is essential to prevent costly damage and ensure the safety of people and property.
In some cases, a basic risk assessment may be enough to identify and assess the severity of an issue, but in other cases, further inspections will be necessary. This is particularly true if the tree has significant defects or conditions that suggest high or extreme risk. This is where a professional arborist can provide invaluable service.
Symptoms that indicate the presence of a disease or infection include bark discoloration, defoliation or thinning, limb failure, wilting, and abnormal growth patterns. Additionally, the location and soil conditions of a tree can greatly affect its health. For example, soil disturbances can weaken roots, make it difficult for a tree to absorb water and nutrients, or even lead to root rot and decay.
While some of these signs can be difficult to notice, you must keep an eye out for them and consult with a tree service provider when you spot any of these symptoms on your property. This can save you a lot of money in the long run by helping you avoid more expensive and extensive damage to your trees.
Once a diagnosis has been made, a plan can be created to mitigate the risk and/or improve the condition of the affected tree. Some solutions may be as simple as a spray or soil injection, while others might involve more serious work like pruning, stump grinding, and even removal in the case of severe damage like oak wilt.
To identify these issues and protect your property, it is recommended that you contact a qualified arborist for a risk assessment regularly, especially after major weather events. This will help reduce the likelihood of failure and minimize liability. In addition, regular inspections will allow you to track the changes in risk factors over time so that a proper mitigation plan can be implemented.
Preventing Tree Damage
It’s important to identify potential problems before they turn into real ones. This helps prevent tree damage, which can be costly and even dangerous. Luckily, some signs can indicate it’s time to call a professional for help.
Fungal growth is one of the most common issues that can impact a tree’s health. The fungus can cause the roots of a tree to decay, leading to issues with the overall structure of the tree. It can also lead to limbs falling, which is a safety concern for both people and property.
In addition to fungus, other issues can include insect infestations and structural defects that affect the stability of a tree. These issues are often difficult to spot, but a professional will be able to provide a full assessment of the condition of your trees. They will be able to recommend the best treatment for any issues they find.
Many of these issues can be prevented with regular inspections by a professional arborist. These inspections can help ensure that your trees are healthy and safe, which is good for both the environment and your home. A professional will be able to recommend the best maintenance practices for your trees, including pruning, fertilization, and pest control.
Severed root systems are another common issue that is usually difficult to correct once it happens. This issue is often the result of lowering the grade around an existing tree or construction work. When a tree’s root system is severed, it reduces water and nutrient uptake, eliminates stored energy, and may compromise the stability of the tree.
While some species of trees are more sensitive to soil-related construction injury than others, it is possible to preserve desirable and valuable trees during site development with proper planning and forethought. The cost of preventing construction damage to the roots of desirable and valuable trees is far less expensive than attempting to save a tree once it has been significantly damaged or destroyed.
Other prevention methods include erecting a fence to keep animals out of the area around the tree or placing a barrier around the trunk to discourage lawnmowers from damaging the bark. It is also a good idea to mulch the area around the tree to prevent erosion and reduce moisture in the soil.
Keeping Your Trees Healthy
Trees are a vital part of your property, adding beauty, providing shade, and helping with air quality. But they also play an important role in the natural ecosystem and can be vulnerable to damage or disease. That’s why it’s important to take the right steps to keep them healthy and safe.
One way to do that is by having a health consultation and evaluation. This is an on-site visit from a certified arborist who analyzes the risks and conditions of your trees and provides recommendations on how to improve them. Then, you can take care of the necessary maintenance tasks to prevent problems and prolong the life of your trees.
While most people are familiar with the warning signs of tree health problems like dead branches or weakened roots, there are many more subtle signs that you might not notice. An experienced tree professional can spot the less obvious ones, such as unseasonal leaf shedding or an overall thinning of the canopy. They can also look at the soil to see if there are any signs of root rot or other factors that could lead to failure.
As well as looking at the condition of your trees, an expert tree health consultant can provide advice on pests and diseases that can affect them. They can help you identify the problem and create a plan to deal with it, whether that’s spraying for insect infestation or disease management. Regular inspections and maintenance by a qualified arborist can help to keep your trees healthy, which in turn will prolong their life and add value to your property.
If you have a large number of trees on your property, you might require a more in-depth analysis than a simple assessment. A level three tree risk assessment can be more complex and involve more comprehensive inspections, including aerial surveys. This type of report is typically required for trees that are a risk to people or property, and it helps you meet your duty of care as a tree owner.
Keeping your trees healthy is the best way to avoid costly damage and to ensure they continue to provide value to your home or business. You can do this by installing wood chips at the base of your trees, which will nourish the roots, and by avoiding excessive mulch, which can starve them.
Getting Rid Of Trees
Most cities have programs where residents can report a dangerous tree that they want to be removed. Find out how to do this by contacting your local city hall department or checking online. Make sure you provide all the details about the tree including its location, why you want it to be removed, and any other relevant information that can help support your request.
If your request is approved, an arborist will do a full inspection and assessment of the site before the removal takes place. This will include a report, to gauge the tree’s amenity value and options for future maintenance. Then they’ll remove the tree safely, making sure to leave no damage behind. They may also recommend further remedial actions if necessary to reduce hazards.